Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fantasy Football Draft in Caracas?

   Made it in safely and mostly uneventfully—if you don't count almost missing my connection in Miami because the Jetway on my arriving flight broke...
Caracas' airport is located right on the ocean, while the city is inland on the other side of a mountain range.  As we headed up and over we came to a massive traffic jam, which turned out to be caused by a tropical downpour on the Caracas side of the mountain.   We came out of the tunnel on that side to apparently not unusual minor flash flooding, at one point driving through one with water splashing up the window of the car on my side!  Unfortunately my camera was in the trunk--it would have been a wild picture.  It took about 2 hours to make it to Rick and Kathrin's apartment—and we get to make the trip back at 5 AM tomorrow to fly to the jungle.  Right now I am sitting in the apartment of another embassy staffer with a total of 10 folks including Marines who are drafting for the Embassy fantasy football league.  I am discovering my knowledge of current NFL players is woefully inadequate for this pastime.  
   I can't take my computer—or much else—on the trip this weekend—so I wanted to post my safe arrival.  Weather will still determine what we see over the next couple of days, but what seemed like a longshot opportunity a few weeks ago has come a lot closer, so I am still hoping.
   The embassy here is on a hill overlooking the city, and most of the Americans who work here are also high up.  Below is a picture from the apartment where we are right now.  I'm sure there will be daylight views in a few days.  One of the adjustments to the tropics is that there is day and night and very little twilight in-between.  Dawn and dusk are a function of higher latitudes.

1 comment:

  1. hi kevin! i'm glad you're safe in caracas.. i hope you have a great time! and i'd like to add that your office here is still dry--i checked. :)
