Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cape Town 2 (October 13)

Not a lot has happened over the last 10 days—work at the office, either grab a quick dinner on the way home or microwave something in my room, then read a little, try and catch up on the news (very slow internet), rinse and repeat. Saturday I did my laundry, a major undertaking. There are very few coin-operated laundromats, at least in the Bowl, and at hotel prices (the per-item cost is higher than buying new on some things) it would have been about $100 for my 2 loads. I found one small laundromat about a half-mile away, but almost all the machines were reserved for their contract business (about $1 per kilo) so I had to wait for machines. I bought soap at the grocery store, but had trouble finding it for machines. Most of what they carried was for hand-washing.
Anyway, Lindsay arrived yesterday so things are getting busy. My official job for the Cape Town 2010 Congress on World Evangelization is as his assistant—he is the International Director, one of the triumvirate running the Congress along with the Congress director and the Executive Director of the Lausanne Committee. It took us several hours just to go through his schedule, and things started changing before we were done! I am however looking forward to this Friday, when we have a day to be tourists...
Pictures are a poor picture of our section of the office with the backs of Scott and Holli, and looking from the roof of my hotel across the Company Garden at Lion’s Head.

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